The path to proper nutrition

Nutrition: proper, healthy, organic, natural — the list can go on forever. At some point, many people start thinking about eating healthy food, but what exactly is ‘proper nutrition’?

To summarize, it is a system that allows one to get the maximum amount of energy from food, ensures long-term effectiveness of the body and a perfect figure. The pillars of proper nutrition are considered the correct ratio of protein-fat-carbohydrates, portion sizes, method of cooking, the number and degree of deviations from the selected proportions, as well as the individual characteristics of each person. At first glance, it sounds difficult, but in fact, if everything is done correctly, such food can easily fit into the usual rhythm of life: you can still afford to eat when it is convenient for you, and wherever you want. It’s just that in the case of proper nutrition, you begin to do it not at random, guided by a feeling of hunger, but understanding what and why you eat.


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