
Where to start with proper nutrition

If you decide to take the path of a healthy diet, the first step is to minimize the consumption of foods that are harmful to the body. These include, for example, foods that are high in sugar and store-bought confectionery. Also among harmful to one’s figure and health are trans fats, which are abundant in fast food, chips, french fries and industrial products such as sausages and store sauces.

Eating pattern is just as important as a healthy diet. This is why the second (and final) step to moving to a healthy diet is limiting the amount of carbohydrates you consume in the afternoon. The fact is that after 15:00 the rate of metabolic processes slows down. If we consume carbohydrates throughout the day, and then also in the evening, we will receive a large amount of energy, the utilization of which the body simply cannot cope with. Over time, this excess starts to accumulate in the form of body fat.

However, it’s important to understand that you don’t have to always eat on schedule and give up the smallest bite of junk food forever. However, if you significantly reduce its consumption and begin to pay attention to internal biological processes, your body will thank you.


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